
This blog describes in a non-linear fashion various aspects of a Christian professor and youth minister who likes epic fantasy. (For the more professional aspects of his journey, click here.)

The blog’s title, Transformed by Love, is a reference primarily to the awesome power of God, who is Love (1 John 4:8), to change a person from the inside out. Secondarily, it also refers to the transforming power of the love given by others — families (natural and spiritual), friends, and students.

One of the blog’s banner photos is of a beautiful 49″x49″ painting, which I get to enjoy every day. (The rest of the banner photos are of the sky, taken from my balcony or window.) The painting is by Tony Nuñez and is done in the pointillist style, developed by Georges Seurat in 1886. Seurat is considered the founder of 19th-century French Neo-Impressionism, whose technique for portraying a pattern using small brushstrokes of pure contrasting colors was called, originally disparagingly, Pointillism.

Update: A few days ago (May 6, 2013), I asked a friend what he thought of or felt about the painting. He said that it evoked feelings of peace and tranquility, as when one sits on a bench in the midst of a beautiful park. I get that feeling, too, but more than that, it also speaks to me of breathtaking mystery, that beyond the lovely trees and foliage lie new things even more wonderful and exciting.

Update (Feb 22, 2016): The painting’s now in the living room of my new house in Nuvali, just 10 kilometers from my new campus. In front of the lovely painting is an area rug that is an abstract wonder of color and texture.


14 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Raymund,
    This picture has something special about it. it just stops one from their personal chaos and sits them on the bench, for them to admire nature.
    I would love to have such a feeling in my home as well. By any chance, do you know how I can reach out to the artist for an encore or a replica of this? (perhaps he has an email address or a site I can visit).

    Thank you in advance.
    Best wishes,

    1. Dear Angelica,

      Apologies for this late reply; I didn’t get to see your comment until now.

      I’m glad you like the painting, too. I will try to visit the store where I got it from in a week or two.

      Best regards,

      1. Hello again, Angelica!

        I visited the Renaissance Art Gallery last Sunday, and the owner, Manuel “Noli” Romero Jr., said that the artist, Tony Nuñez, had eye surgery a year or so ago. 😦 I hope that Tony is all right now. Noli Romero can be reached at noliromero@yahoo.com.

    1. Apologies for this late reply; it is only now that I saw your comment, Nadine.

      I actually don’t know the title of the work :-), but I will try to visit the store where I got it from in a week or two and ask. 🙂

      1. Hello again, Nadine!

        I visited the Renaissance Art Gallery last Sunday, and asked the owner, Manuel “Noli” Romero Jr., about the title of the work. He thinks it might have been untitled.

  2. Hello,

    i like this picture like that, but i know that this painting does not get everybody’s taste. Personally speaking I’ve been a big fan of Georges Seurat paintings.

  3. Hello,

    i like this picture like that, but i know that this painting does not get everybody’s taste. Personally speaking I’ve been a big fan of Georges Seurat paintings.

    1. Glad you like it, too, Tom, and Seurat’s paintings as well. As soon as I’ve settled into my new house, I will create more paintings like this one. Under the guidance of a professional painter, of course. 🙂

  4. Glad you liked his work. I’m fond of his work as well and it’s great that he’s able to share his art with everyone.

    1. Whoa, a kindred Nuñez fan! Glad to know I’m not alone! Did you know that he doesn’t paint anymore because of vision concerns? 😦 So, learning to paint like him is on my bucket list. 🙂

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